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Mace Windu vs Palpatine - Diorama

Mace Windu vs Palpatine - Diorama

Regular price $199.00 CAD
Regular price $250.00 CAD Sale price $199.00 CAD
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In this iconic scene, Mace Windu and a team of Jedi confront Palpatine in the Chancellor's office on Coruscant. As Palpatine reveals his true identity as a Sith Lord, a fierce lightsaber duel ensues between him and Mace Windu. The diorama portrays the two powerful adversaries locked in combat, their lightsabers clashing with dazzling energy. Mace Windu, with his distinctive purple lightsaber, is depicted in a defensive stance, his face etched with determination as he confronts the dark side of the Force embodied by Palpatine. Palpatine, with his red lightsaber drawn, exudes malevolence and cunning as he unleashes his dark powers against the Jedi Master. The intensity of the battle is captured in every detail of the diorama, from the dynamic poses of the combatants to the swirling energy of their lightsabers.

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