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Star Trek - Communicator - Accessory

Star Trek - Communicator - Accessory

Regular price $199.00 CAD
Regular price $250.00 CAD Sale price $199.00 CAD
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The communicator is typically depicted as a compact, rectangular device with rounded edges. It has a flip-open design, much like a clamshell, with a hinge at one end. The top part of the communicator, when flipped open, reveals a distinctive gold-colored antenna grid. This grid is often intricately detailed with a mesh pattern, capturing the look of the original prop. Below the antenna grid, the communicator features a control panel with several buttons and a small screen. The buttons are typically colored (red, green, yellow) and may be raised or recessed, adding to the tactile realism of the figurine. The screen might be depicted with a glossy finish to simulate a glass display.

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