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White, Blue and Sapphire Lantern - Diorama

White, Blue and Sapphire Lantern - Diorama

Regular price $199.00 CAD
Regular price $250.00 CAD Sale price $199.00 CAD
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Crafted with exceptional attention to detail, the diorama sculpture stands is made from high-quality materials such as resin or polystone. Each Lantern Corps member is depicted with their distinct costume designs and emblematic symbols, perfectly capturing their unique identities and abilities. The White Lantern, representing life and creation, stands at the center of the diorama with a radiant aura surrounding them. The Blue Lantern, embodying hope and optimism, stands beside them, emanating a serene and calming presence. Meanwhile, the Sapphire Lantern, symbolizing love and compassion, completes the trio, exuding warmth and empathy. The sculptural details of the diorama are extraordinary, from the intricate patterns on the Lantern Corps members' costumes to the dynamic flow of their poses.

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